Jersey Proud: Newark native and class of 1937 Princeton University grad oldest living alum for university

Joe Schein attended Barringer High School back in the 1930s and spent 70 years working at New York's Mount Sinai Hospital as a doctor.

News 12 Staff

Jul 19, 2023, 2:25 AM

Updated 374 days ago


Princeton University has about 96,000 living alums, but only one can be the oldest. That title goes to a Newark native of the class of 1937 -- Joe Schein.
Schein is 108 and no Princeton alum has ever lived as long as him.
Schein attended Barringer High School back in the 1930s and spent 70 years working at New York's Mount Sinai Hospital as a doctor.
He still goes back to the Princeton campus every year for what they call the P-rade reunion.
Schein has been the oldest living alum for a several years and now he is the oldest ever.

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