Police arrested a man accused of attacking his ex-girlfriend on three separate occasions over the last two months.
The family of Irene Guzman says she has been living in fear, waiting for her ex-boyfriend to be arrested. The Orange resident is currently in hiding.
Guzman’s family tells News 12 New Jersey that ex-boyfriend Rakien Figueroa is currently in the custody of the NYPD. He has been wanted since Dec. 4 when he allegedly slashed Guzman in the face.
Guzman’s family says he then attacked a second time after breaking into her apartment in Orange. He allegedly attacked her a third time on Jan. 10 while Guzman was at her job in Brooklyn.
Guzman, 39, suffered knife wounds on her lip, on the side of her face and her kidney.
Guzman’s mother spoke with News 12 about the ordeal. She says that her daughter only dated Figueroa for a month.
"She broke it up and immediately the red flags started going up. She was like, ‘Mom, no, something is not right. Something is not right with him,’” Guzman’s mother says. "The very next day was the first attack."
Guzman had a temporary restraining order put in place after that first attack.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of domestic violence, there are some resources available
HERE or by calling
1-800-572-SAFE (7233).