Police: 2 men, teen assault patrons inside Trenton chicken restaurant

Police say five men – including Darrius Wade, Fausto Delacruz and the teen - went into Super Pollo II on South Clinton Avenue on July 14 and attacked the patrons inside.

Matt Trapani

Jul 31, 2024, 2:17 AM

Updated 39 days ago


Two men and a 14-year-old boy are facing charges for allegedly robbing and assaulting patrons inside a chicken restaurant in Trenton. Two men remain on the loose.
Police say five men – including Darrius Wade, Fausto Delacruz and the teen - went into Super Pollo II on South Clinton Avenue on July 14 and attacked the patrons inside.
Videos appear to show the men punching and kicking the victims and hitting them with chairs and barstools. They also allegedly stole items from the victims.
Anyone who might have information about the two men at large is urged to call Trenton police at 609-575-2235.