Prosecutor: Plato's Closet owner in Roxbury charged with manufacturing child porn

Officials say Nicholas Zirpoli, 35, used a device to video record a juvenile female employee and an adult male employee using the restroom at Plato’s Closet at separate times.

Lanette Espy

Feb 15, 2024, 5:38 PM

Updated 232 days ago


The owner of Plato’s Closet, a clothing retail store in Roxbury, was charged with manufacturing child porn and related charges, Morris County prosecutors announced.
They say 35-year-old Nicholas Zirpoli, of Lincoln Park, used a device to record videos of several male and female employees using the restroom at the store and then destroying the evidence.
Officials say Zirpoli used a device to video record a juvenile female employee and an adult male employee using the restroom at Plato’s Closet at separate times during the period of late 2022 to the beginning of 2023.
Prosecutors say Zirpoli was taken to Morris County Correctional Facility upon his arrest and was released on pre-trial monitoring conditions last week, in accordance with the Criminal Justice Reform Act.
He was also charged with nine counts of invasion of privacy and one count of tampering with evidence back in December 2023.
Anyone with information should call the Roxbury Township Police Department at 973-448-2100 or Morris County Prosecutor’s Office at 973-285- 6200.