Officials: Delivery driver from Lodi charged in child porn investigation

During a search of Corey Hipscher's home, officials say child porn was found on his cellphone, laptop and in his email account.

News 12 Staff

Mar 28, 2024, 1:15 PM

Updated 120 days ago


A 52-year-old man was arrested after an investigation revealed he sexually abused two young girls over the course of three years, officials say.
According to court documents, Corey Hipscher, of Lodi, began speaking to a child from a different country online. He soon began to encourage the girl, who was 11 at the time, to send him naked photos.
Hipscher then began an online romantic relationship with the victim's mother.
The documents also say Hipscher made plans for the family, including the victim's younger sister and brother, to visit New Jersey. When they arrived, investigators said Hipscher sexually abused both minor girls in his home.
During a search of Hipscher's home, officials say child porn was found on his cellphone, laptop and in his email account.

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