According to AAA,
nearly nine
in 10 New Jerseyans aren't traveling for Thanksgiving, but that number seems off if you look at Newark Liberty
International Airport, as well as other airports around the country.
Friday was the second
busiest day at airports since the pandemic brought air travel to a near
standstill in March. The Transportation Security Administration screened a
little more than one million people at U.S. airports, still 60% less than the
Friday before Thanksgiving a year ago.
The Kelly family, from Sea
Bright, say they're not letting the coronavirus ruin their holiday plans,
saying, “The planes are very, very, very safe. All the air filtration systems, so
we feel great about it."
There are new guidelines for
people flying internationally. The CDC recommends taking three COVID-19 tests.
The first one, one to three days before traveling, the second, the same
procedure before the return trip and the third, 3-5 days after traveling.
Nearly half of the people say
they're not traveling because of the coronavirus pandemic, while 85% say the
pandemic poses a risk when it comes to travel.