Sitting in the back of the Warren Township Public Works yard is a rotting decrepit shack-like structure that tells a unique story about New Jersey and even America.
It's called the “Egg-O-Mat.” It was a fresh egg vending machine that allowed customers to insert a nickel and take home a dozen eggs any time of day.
Even while it sits in danger of being lost forever, the Egg-O-Mat story has been brought to life anew by a cartoonist who grew up in Warren Township and found herself inspired as a teenager by the curious egg machine on the side of the road.
On today's episode of "Brian's Positively New Jersey,” Brian Donohue speaks with cartoonist Lisa Eisenberg about how her family history - and that of New Jersey itself - is intertwined with the story of the Egg-O-Mat.
Donohue also heads out to find the barely salvageable Egg-O-Mat machine at the edge of the woods.