The Fairfield Police Department is teaming with two New Jersey medical practices to make sure all the department’s officers are healthy.
Montclair Radiology and Mecca Integrated Medical Center will offer all 39 Fairfield police officers free cardiac screening and risk assessments.
“The stuff we see and how quickly we respond gets your blood flowing,” says Chief Anthony Manna. “With our diet and cholesterol being as high as they are, we are susceptible to a greater [number of] heart attacks than most professions."
The officers will be able to receive free coronary CT calcium scores, which is a quick way to assess their risk of having heart disease.
This is all part of a larger health and wellness program Fairfield is putting together. Chief Manna says that it is the first of its kind in New Jersey, not only mandating the heart check, but a physical fitness test officers must pass.
There will be incentives to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, and mental health assistance will be available, according to Manna.
“It’s important that our officers are cognizant of this and we mandate they do something so they can better protect the citizens of Fairfield and the community but more importantly they live long lives,” he says.
Fairfield's health and wellness program is still being worked out, but it should be up and running by the fall. It will also require cops to carry tactical combat care kits, which include quick clot and tourniquets to help stop blood loss during a trauma.