Gym membership contracts can become complicated if the consumer doesn’t know what to watch out for.
Louis Guyre contacted News 12 New Jersey after he thought he was getting a bad deal from his fitness club.
Guyre had a lifetime membership to Bally’s Gym. Bally’s sold out to 24 Hour Fitness in 2014, and Guyre was told that he would still have access to all the same clubs. But when he moved to northern New Jersey, he was told that his Bally’s member ship was not good at the 24 Hour Fitness in Ramsey or Paramus.
Unfortunately, 24 Hour Fitness only bought six Bally’s Gyms in New Jersey, so not all 24 Hour Finesses gyms in the state fall under Guyre’s lifetime membership.
The Better Business Bureau says it gets a lot of complaints about gyms, but says that many customers are typically satisfied.
“Gyms, they kind of change ownership and names sometimes, so you kind of want to be careful of that,” says the BBB’s Melissa Companick.
Companick advises that potential members check out a gym’s pricing, not just the promotional rate. She also says that consumers should make sure a gym’s hours are convenient, and also find out if membership is good at any gym or just the one where they signed up.
Companick says most important is to research the gym’s complaint history.
“Every business wants to be complaint free, they want to have an ‘A+’ rating, they want to have no negative reviews,” she says. “But what's really important is if there is a complaint, how does the company handle those issues?”
Potential members are also advised to read any contract before agreeing to sign.