News 12 has learned three high school teenagers from Bloomfield, who vanished last week, have been found in Pennsylvania.
That's according to the mother of Alexa Arenas.
Police were looking for Ulises Yance and Alexa Arenas, who are both 16, and 15-year-old Alex Lopez.
The mother of Alexa Arenas says she suffers from mental illness. Her parents say Arenas' recent break-up with her boyfriend sent her on an emotional tailspin, which prompted her to go on the trip.
Yance and Lopez were last seen Friday morning. Arenas was last seen Thursday.
Carlos Arenas says he received a phone call from his daughter's school informing him she never showed up. After hours of unanswered calls and text messages, Arenas called police and Alexa's mother, who lives in Florida.
They were apparently planning a cross-country trip for more than a month, and when they vanished, $8,000 in cash from one of their parents vanished too.
News 12 is told their parents are on the way to Pennsylvania to pick them up.