Two Wanaque elementary schools still have traces of lead in the drinking water, just a few days before school is scheduled to start, according to officials.
Wanaque School and Haskell School have lead levels that are at or above 15 parts per billion, which is the recommended EPA level for lead.
Officials say Wanaque School had faucets inside three classrooms in the primary wing that tested for high levels of lead. The district will shut off the water in every classroom sink and water fountain in the wing until the problem is fixed.
Haskell School has only one hallway water fountain that will need to be closed off.
The schools will provide bottled water for drinking and for cooking. Non-disposable utensils and dishes will be sent to another school to be washed.
Officials tell News 12 New Jersey that there have been major changes since last school year in regard to the water quality, but the results were still not to their liking. They say they will make more changes and test the water again.
The first day of classes is scheduled for Sept. 6.