Molly Wei, the other student who faced criminal charges in the case of Tyler Clementi, took the stand today.
Wei told the jury she believed Dharun Ravi was trying to make the webcam incident seem like an accident once police got involved.
Wei was initially charged as well, but entered a program to keep her record clean. Today, she talked about the first time she met Clementi. "I was in Dharun's room and Tyler was there too, so Dharun just introduced me to Tyler, I said 'Hi' and talked a little."
Wei said that Ravi freaked out when he saw Clementi kiss another man. They watched on her dorm room computer via a webcam that Ravi set up in his room.
Wei says they watched for just a couple of seconds and then turned it off, but later turned the video on again to watch with several more students as Clementi's private encounter continued across the hall.
The jury also learned that Clementi requested a room change after learning Ravi publicly tweeted about the encounter. Hours later Clementi committed suicide in September 2010, days after the alleged webcam spying. Ravi turned down a plea deal in the case and elected to go to trial.
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