Police search for missing Bronx teen

Police say a 16-year-old girl from Williamsbridge has been missing for more than two weeks. According to police, Tiana Rice went missing after heading to a friend?s house to drop off a Christmas present.

News 12 Staff

Jan 15, 2009, 3:46 AM

Updated 5,759 days ago


Police say a 16-year-old girl from Williamsbridge has been missing for more than two weeks.
According to police, Tiana Rice went missing after heading to a friend?s house to drop off a Christmas present. Rice was last seen leaving her house on Dec. 30. Police records show she swiped her Metrocard at 2:19 p.m., but her relatives say they haven?t seen or heard from her since.
"When I called her cell phone she was saying 'stop, stop' and there was a lot of scuffling, and the phone shut off," Shirley Byrd, Rice?s mother, says.
Family members made fliers, which they posted around the area. Police say they have no leads in the case.
Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS. All calls will be kept confidential.