Police: Irvington man sexually assaulted teen

Police say an Irvington man was arrested Friday for allegedly sexually assaulting a teenage boy. The Essex County prosecutor's office believes 31-year-old Muborak Muhammad lured a 14-year-old boy walking

News 12 Staff

Apr 8, 2009, 3:01 AM

Updated 5,677 days ago


Police say an Irvington man was arrested Friday for allegedly sexually assaulting a teenage boy.
The Essex County prosecutor's office believes 31-year-old Muborak Muhammad lured a 14-year-old boy walking near Orange Park Jan. 9 to his apartment by pretending to be a photographer and offering him money to pose for the cover of a magazine. Paul Loriquet, the spokesman for the prosecutor's office, says Muhammad gave the teen alcohol and attacked him once he was nearly naked.
Loriquet says the principal of Irvington High School noticed the teen had a check worth $2,000 days after the alleged attack and called police. The school also issued a warning to other students about Muhammad.
Loriquet says Muhammad is not a real photographer and the check bounced when the victim tried to cash it. Authorities believe it was stolen.
Muhammad is charged with second-degree sexual assault, second-degree luring and third-degree child endangerment. Bail is set at $200,000.