new study says the
commercialization of Valentine’s Day is more prevalent than ever - less about
romance and more about gifts and shopping.
were the findings from Montclair State University researchers who analyzed “more
than 80,000 posts using “#Valentinesday” and “#Valentinesday2023” on various
social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram over a month” leading up
to the holiday.
Some of the key
- Analysis of social media data using “Valentine’s Day” as a keyword
shows the most associated term was “shop,” with “shop” and “gift” identified
131.17% more frequently than the term “love.”
- The most recent estimates of the National Retail Federation
suggests that the holiday now accounts for over $23 billion in purchases
in the U.S.
- A word cloud generated to show term use frequency in the studied
data set further reveals the extent to which commercial and advertising
messages are embedded in social media messaging about Valentine’s Day.
Courtesy: Montclair State University
According to the study,
the commercialism of the holiday could have significant
psychological effects on individuals consuming online discourse related to
Valentine’s Day.