Chou, 36, appeared before Somerset County Judge
Peter Tober. Tober called the case “particularly horrific” and ruled Chou
is to remain in jail until her trial. She is held without bail.
spoke minimally, mostly answering with yes or no statements.
She is charged with two counts of murder of her
two young children, 7-year-old Samantha and 11-month-old Paul. According to
investigators, Chou said she’d been
planning their murder for about a week. She’s accused of zip-tying her
children’s hands, duct taping their faces, suffocating them, and then zip-tying
her own hands to the steering wheel of her car before driving into a ditch in
Tober did say Chou
does not have a criminal history. He mentioned a domestic violence charge from
this summer, but that was dismissed.