A Bergen County second grader has made a name for himself as a sports fan and sports reporter.
Jordan Berger, 7, is a junior reporter for the
Danbury Hat Tricks, a minor pro league hockey team in Connecticut. He says he is a big fan of the team and the sport.
"I know it very well. I know like every player," he says.
Players say they are impressed with Jordan's talents.
"He's dialed in. He comes to work ready to go like we do," says Kyle Gonzalez.
"When I was 8, I was picking boogers out of my nose. Here he is in his suit asking us questions, so it's pretty cool," says Xavier Abdella.
He thought speaking to athletes and sports personalities would be a great opportunity for Jordan to gain confidence speaking with others.
But his first interview was with then Yankee prospect Anthony Volpe didn't go according to plan.
"I was pretty scared and I was not really that focused," Jordan says.
Since then, Jordan has met and interviewed over 50 sports stars.
"What life lessons did you learn in second grade that you still use today? How many times do they get that question? says Larry Berger.
Jordan tells News 12 he wants to be a pro athlete first, but after that, anything is possible.