A New Jersey man once
considered brain dead from COVID-19 complications has defied all odds and
beaten COVID-19.
The family of Robertino
Perri says the power of prayer bestowed a miracle.
Robertino was hospitalized
in July and put on ventilator Aug. 1. But as his wife, Jeannine, said, "as
long as there is a heartbeat, there is hope." Prayers came pouring in.
On Aug. 16, he was able to
communicate with his nurse, and Thursday, he was released from Saint Barnabas
Medical Center.
"We truly believe that
Robert is a miracle,” said Jeannine. “We thank the doctors and nurses who
took such good care of him at the hospital. We also believe it was the power of
prayer, his will to live, and our huge circle of family and friends who helped
to get us through."
Robertino now starts five weeks of rehab.