Hillsdale man busted in federal child porn sting

A Hillsdale man who some say looks like he could be a kindly grandfather is facing serious and disturbing child pornography allegations. Thomas Elgert, 66, was arrested Tuesday in a child porn sting.

News 12 Staff

May 12, 2009, 11:13 PM

Updated 5,645 days ago


A Hillsdale man who some say looks like he could be a kindly grandfather is facing serious and disturbing child pornography allegations.
Thomas Elgert, 66, was arrested Tuesday in a child porn sting. Authorities in Montana say an FBI agent and a detective had been communicating with Elgert online.
The Hillsdale man not only allegedly transmitted pictures of children engaged in sex acts with the two, but also requested special made-to-order footage in return.
"Mr. Elgert allegedly gave instructions to the undercover agent to take pictures of his or her own children in specific sexual poses and mail them to Elgert," says Brian Tavares, of the FBI. "For lack of a better term, it kind of turns your stomach."
Elgert faces six counts of attempted sexual exploitation and distribution. He will likely be tried in Montana.