Gov. Chris Christie wrapped up his first week of campaigning for president by appearing on the national news shows Monday morning.
Hours after announcing his candidacy, Christie left New Jersey and headed to New Hampshire to begin his campaign tour. The following days saw the governor attend several town hall events, march in a few parades and even score several endorsements, including from the governor of Maine.
Appearing on MSNBC and Fox News Monday, Christie said he was doing well with the campaign.
"I've won primaries before. I know how to win to build a grassroots organization and that's what we're going to do here," Christie said.
Christie also says he does not think Bridge-Gate will factor too much in the race nor will Donald Trump's comments on Mexican immigrants.
Christie currently ranks near the bottom of the top 10 among the 14 Republicans currently running for president. Only the top 10 will get to compete in the first national televised debate.