The coronavirus pandemic is taking a major toll on blood banks in New Jersey.
Vitalant, a nonprofit organization that collects blood and blood products, says that blood donations are down. They say that many blood drives have been canceled while the public has been advised to stay home to prevent spreading the virus.
But the nonprofit says that donating blood is perfectly safe during this time.
"We make sure that we wipe down all of our products after every donation. If someone comes in to donate we ask them if they've been to any hot spot countries - if they have, we defer them. We also take their temperature. If they have a fever, we also defer them. So, we're doing everything that we can to make sure that the donation process is safe to both donors and our own staff,” says Vitalant regional director Michael Davenport.
Vitalant says blood type "O" and blood platelets are in the most demand. More information about where to donate blood can be found on the
American Red Cross’s website.
Photos: Your Coronavirus self-isolation photos