Classes at Ocean
Township High School got a better understanding today of what it was like for
millions of people who were forced into cattle cars during the Holocaust in
World War II.
It's a traveling exhibit combining an exact
replica of the train car with multimedia technology.
“Coming out of this exhibit, it was very moving, it was emotional,
I learned a lot of things I didn’t know before,” says senior Sarah Elzamek.
Elzamek was
born six decades after the events of the Holocaust, but she became a witness to history
through the interactive mobile museum.
“t’s important to make sure even though we are moving further away in time from
these historical events, we are still learning from them and still hearing
these stories and that we never forget,” says educator Evelyn Riddell, with Shadowlight.
Inside the German cattle car replica, visitors are surrounded by
images on all sides as voices of Holocaust
survivors play.
“The exhibit put into perspective how gruesome and terrible it
really was, how real and how many people were affected,” says senior Zoe Kono.
The mobile
museum was created by the Shadowlight organization to help students empathize
with the survivor stories and connect with historical moments.
The “Hate Ends Now” touring exhibit will visit Monmouth University
on Tuesday.