Voting in New Jersey’s general election this November will look a little different this year, with various options for voting.
There are now three options when it comes to voting.
“You have the opportunity to vote by mail-in ballot. You have the opportunity to vote at the machines for early voting for nine consecutive days and you have the opportunity, if you missed that, to come out and vote on Election Day itself,” says Maureen Bugdon, superintendent of elections for Atlantic County.
Early voting is new this year in New Jersey and lasts from Oct. 23 through Oct. 31. Early voters can cast their votes at sites designated in each county.
"If you live in one end of the county but you work in another end of the county, you're going to be able to go to an early voting center near your work and vote your ballot from your home community,” says Bugdon.
Something new that every New Jersey voter will see this year is electronic poll books that election officials say will help speed up the process.
"These things are basically real-time and it's feeding up to the statewide voter registration system and coming back down so you cannot go to [one polling location] during early voting and a few minutes later go to [a different polling location], and think that it's not going to catch you as having voted twice,” Bugdon says.
And as for mail-in ballots:
"You cannot bring your mail-in ballot to a polling place this go around. However, you can drop it in the mail to your Board of Elections or you can put it into a dropbox and they're located throughout each and every county in the state. Or you can hand-deliver back to the Board of Elections,” Bugdon says.