Students returned to school in Sayreville today, and instituted a campaign
to get drivers to slow down when
out on the roadways.
Middlesex County as a whole
is taking part in the “Slow Down in Our Town” campaign, which has been taking
place for 10 years, but with coronavirus affecting school schedules, this
reminder to slow down is more important than ever.
With schools reopening today, police want to remind people about
school bus safety. The plan consists of setting up signs on streets that have
high complaints of traffic infractions.
"I think it's great,” says Kathy Shoulars, of Newark.
“Because people who are speeding, if they see the signs, they'll know to slow
down. It gives you a heads up."
David Gregor, the Middlesex County traffic safety coordinator,
says most drivers don’t even realize they are speeding. So, police offered a friendly reminder and some
literature to drivers this morning.
“Collaboration with our
community is unbelievable and to be able to bring the program such as this into
our town, we try to take every advantage to do this, but I think when we're
talking about our most important cargo, which is our children, this is probably
the biggest priority for us right now,” says Police Chief Chief John
Edison schools welcomed back
many of its students beginning Monday, so it’s certainly a good reminder all
over the county, and statewide, as well.