Two beagle puppies in Jackson nearly died after their owners say they were purposely fed rat poison.
Ann and Mike Zappia say that they became worried when their 6-month-old beagle Becky became unusually quiet and stopped eating.
"We didn't know what was wrong, and they started taking tests," Ann Zappia says.
The veterinarian said the puppy ate rat poison and required blood transfusions and intravenous medications.
The couple's other beagle puppy, Jimmy, also tested positive for the poison. The older beagle was OK.
The couple says that they believe that the act was intentional due to recent barking complaints. The dogs live in pens in the backyard, along with dozens of chickens.
The Zappias say that this isn't the first time someone has intentionally poisoned their dogs. Two other beagles died two years ago after they ingested the rat poison.
"Somebody's nuts, that's my opinion," says Ann Zappia. "Somebody has got to be so cruel."
The New Jersey SPCA is investigating the incident.