Police warn students to delete nude photos

Police have issued a 24-hour deadline for students to delete photos of a nude eighth-grade student if they have them. Police say the girl sent nude pictures of herself that have been seen by many students

News 12 Staff

Apr 9, 2009, 3:25 PM

Updated 5,675 days ago


Police have issued a 24-hour deadline for students to delete photos of a nude eighth-grade student if they have them.
Police say the girl sent nude pictures of herself that have been seen by many students at Glen Rock middle school and high school through e-mail. Investigators say if students don't abide by the 24-hour deletion deadline, they risk facing criminal charges.
Police say a similar incident occurred a few weeks ago, resulting in the arrest of a 14-year-old girl who posted nude pictures of herself on the Internet.
Glen Rock High School is holding an assembly Thursday morning to focus on the issue of sending explicit items over e-mail, the Internet and mobile devices.