Popular bus service the Hop is fully
restored in Hoboken, just a day after it was halted due to catalytic converter thefts.
The Hop shuttle is a free city
service -- three routes that usually operate all day to get people around
town. The service was
stopped Thursday because thieves apparently broke into the city's DPW yard and
stole catalytic converters from five of the buses.
The theft was discovered when
drivers tried to start the buses early Thursday morning.
“It's a form of organized crime
where groups go out and hit a town, five catalytic converters, it takes just a
few minutes - that’s all it takes, it's happening everywhere,” says Hoboken
Public Safety Director Ken Ferrante.
Each converter is worth thousands,
but there is no
jail time because it's a nonviolent crime, which is part
of why it’s become so trendy of a crime.
Originally, it was believed service
would be down all week, but crews managed to get and install all the converters
and get the service fully restored this morning.