A massive water main break in Newark that coupled with yesterday's heavy rain flooded several cars and homes.
The 36-inch water line ruptured along North Fifth Street Monday morning, creating a crater-like hole. Park Avenue and Fourth and Sixth streets were also affected.
The deaths of three puppies are also being blamed on the flooding. A homeowner on North Fifth Street lost three 2-week-old puppies due to flooding from the main break. The animals were resting downstairs from their owner when the floodwaters arrived.
Vanessa Montiel says she was sleeping when the break happened, and by the time she was aware of what was happening, she went chest-high into water trying to save the poodles, but could not.
"I was crying trying to look for them, I could only find one," says Montiel. "As soon as the water went low enough, I saw another one which we have right now, and I am going to try to do something for it, because it was kind of sad, that shouldn't have happened."
Several homes sustained damage to their first floors, and at least 10 vehicles were damaged as well.
PSEG was also on the scene because a gas line that run next to the water line was damaged, leaving the area without gas.