A woman who humane officials say operates a puppy mill may have found a way to hold on to close to 200 dogs despite losing her kennel license two years ago.
Edith Buchko has paid more than $3,200 in license fees to register 145 dogs with the township, which is perfectly legal under town law. A court order has been issued to prevent her from possessing more than 165 dogs.
"If her documentation is in order, we have nothing to stand on not to license those dogs," says Township Manager Helene Schlegel.
Bruce Sanchez, of the American Humane Society, says Buchko is running a puppy mill and wants it shut down.
"She still has more dogs than she's supposed to have," says Sanchez. "These dogs are born, bred and die in those cages. Some have never seen grass or sunshine."
Buchko has already had to surrender 49 dogs. Those animals are now in the care of the AHS, but officials say some are so sick that treatment could kill them.
Schlegel says the township council may revisit proposals next year that could restrict the number of pets owners can register.