Hunterdon Co. man gives holiday gift of life

Hunderdon County resident Leland Horstmann can really say he gave of himself this holiday season. Horstmann was inspired by the Virginia Tech massacre to help a stranger. He decided to donate a kidney.

News 12 Staff

Dec 24, 2008, 12:05 AM

Updated 5,782 days ago


Hunderdon County resident Leland Horstmann can really say he gave of himself this holiday season.
Horstmann was inspired by the Virginia Tech massacre to help a stranger. He decided to donate a kidney.
His plan was put on hold when doctors at St. Barnabas Hospital told him he was not medically acceptable. He was told he needed to lose a lot of weight in order to become healthy enough for organ donation.
Horstmann cut out chocolate, soft drinks and ice cream in order to drop the pounds. He also cut back on food portions and added exercise into his routine. He was cleared to donate after losing about 50 pounds.
He was able to donate his kidney this holiday season. Though doctors won't reveal details about the recipient until it's clear the body accepts the organ, Horstmann was told he was giving his kidney to a young, married man. The recipient will be allowed to decide if he wants to meet Horstmann after that.
"That's the whole point of a free gift," says Horstmann. "It's his. I hope it makes him a lot healthier and it changes his life."