It's hot
but below-freezing temps and plenty of ice are in
the forecast at Midway Ice & Fuel in Neptune City
temperature inside the large freezer container is 14 degrees,
with thousands of pounds of ice.
The company
supplies ice cubes and dry ice to businesses as a wholesaler or to anyone
passing by who wants it. On an average day, it sells about 12,000 pounds
of ice, but the number shoots up during hot stretches like this week.
"Our business
will increase as much as 50%,” says Daniel DeSeno, owner of Midway Ice &
Fuel. “It's trouble trying to take care
of the demand at times Saturday because everyone wants the ice at once,
especially on a Saturday."
DeSeno his family has been in the ice business
for three generations -- his grandfather was selling ice before homes had
DeSeno also says he catches some of his
employees spending a little extra time loading ice into the coolers on hot days
such as today.