(08/29/06) HAMILTON ? Residents in Hamilton are glad to see the final phase of an asbestos cleanup start at an old industrial site.
The W.R. Grace plant operated at the end of Industrial Road until 1991. The plant processed material that was found to contain asbestos. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has already overseen a project to process 9,200 tons of dirt at the site. Now, they?ll move into the final phase of the project with the processing of an additional 6,500 tons of material.
Many residents who live near the site say they are happy the cleanup is almost complete. According to residents, they have been fearful of the plant?s negative health effects for some time. The federal government is also offering to test people who worked at the plant for health problems. Individuals who worked at the plant, or have relatives who worked at the plant, can call the NJ Department of Health and Senior Services at 609-584-5367.
Related information: Hamilton company accused of asbestos cover-up during hearing EPA says no asbestos present near site of Hamilton factory fire