A beloved tiger who was rescued from Texas in 2002 has died at the Popcorn Park Zoo.
Zoo officials say that the tiger, named Caesar, came to Popcorn Park Zoo after being rescued from Noah’s Land, a “so-called sanctuary” in Harwood, Texas.
“Caesar [quickly] became everyone’s best friend. He loved to rub up along his fence and talk with his caretakers… He just acted like a 2-year-old cub all his life,” zoo director John Bergmann
wrote on Facebook.
Courtesy: John Bergmann
Bergmann says that Caesar loved to play hide and seek with his caretakers and befriended many of the other tigers at the zoo.
Caesar suddenly became sick in February and was said to be in renal failure.
“We discussed the treatment and went forward with sedating him every four days for supportive fluid therapy and care. It took two and a half weeks, but 20-year-old Caesar bounced back and did well,” Bergmann wrote.
Courtesy: John Bergmann
But then last month, Caesar took a turn for the worse and died in his sleep, according to Bergmann.
“We were devastated, all we could do was gather around him and say our goodbyes,” Bergmann wrote. “Thank you, Caesar, for allowing us to be a part of your life, for greeting us every morning, for talking with us all day and for wishing us a good night each night.”
Courtesy: John Bergmann