What’s in a name? Nearby towns try to cash in on Princeton’s good name
Anyone who has spent any time in the Princeton area may notice that over the years the term “Princeton” is used a bit more far and wide than the boundaries of the town itself.
Businesses and apartment buildings and strip malls within a several-mile radius of the town that’s home to the prestigious Princeton University seem to be attempting to associate themselves by using the Princeton name. For example – the Princeton Corporate Center – At South Brunswick.
There are similar naming conventions in nearby West Windsor. Mark Pepper who lives in Princeton Oaks in West Windsor is frustrated by this. He says that as Princeton University expands into West Windsor, maybe some name changes should be made.
“We should change the name of Princeton University to West Windsor University. Why not?” he says.
Plainsboro tried something similar, demanding that Princeton Hospital’s new building in Plainsboro at least use Plainsboro in its name. The formal name of the center is Princeton Medical Center at Plainsboro.
There are areas outside of the town of Princeton that do have the coveted Princeton ZIP code. But others are just stretching it a bit.

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