Clinging jellyfish send man to hospital over the weekend
A man in Oceanport was hospitalized after he was stung by clinging jellyfish.
According to Paul Bologna, head of Marine Biology at Montclair State University, the man originally thought he was stung by a regular jellyfish. Doctors sent him home because they thought it was a minor sting.
He was later rushed to the hospital after he developed more symptoms such a stiff muscles.
Bologna said that he found three to four jellyfish around eight inches in the water in Oceanport. Tests came back with a 99 percent DNA match for clinging jellyfish.
Clinging jellyfish are a dangerous species of jellyfish that are usually found in the Pacific Ocean. They were recently discovered along the Jersey Shore.
The jellyfish gets its name because it is usually found clinging to eelgrass or seaweed. Clinging jellyfish prefer calm waters, rather than the rougher surf in the ocean.
They typically stay near the bottom of the water during sunlight and emerge to feed at night and on overcast days.
Being stung could lead to kidney failure.

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