Girls from High Tech High School are showcasing their talent in coding while giving back to younger students.
Annie Zhou said when she went to a summer camp for engineering, she was the only girl. Now, Zhou is among many girls.
She and her classmates are bringing their love for computer coding and technology to middle school girls.
"We thought that maybe we could give back to the community by starting something on our own to teach other girls to code," Zhou said.
Their mission is to spark an interest in the STEM field, which is predominantly male.
"Girls around me, they have a different way of approaching problems," says Katrina Florendo. "They tackle it from this creative side that maybe the guys didn't realize in the first place so it's this different take on problems and ways of coming up with solutions."
"If you have a technology company or a programming company and you don't have females in there, you have an inferior company because they brought a whole different mindset to the situation," says Kevin Bals, principal of High Tech High School.
High Tech High School has been ranked the best Stem High School in the nation for the fifth year in a row.
Saturday's event was paid for with a grant. The girls won it at a competition last spring. They could choose how to spend the money. They chose to put on the event to helping other girls.