Some Somerville businesses offer discounts to those who received COVID-19 vaccine

There are some Somerville businesses that are offering discounts to those who received the COVID-19 vaccine in an effort to encourage more people to get the shot.

News 12 Staff

Apr 7, 2021, 2:41 AM

Updated 1,249 days ago


There are some Somerville businesses that are offering discounts to those who received the COVID-19 vaccine in an effort to encourage more people to get the shot.
Many businesses across the state suffered a financial decline during the pandemic. So the owners say that if more people are vaccinated, the state can further reopen.
“We're picking up a little bit. I mean a few months ago if you had asked me, I definitely would not have the same answer,” says Turf, Surf & Earth owner Mackenzie Stahl.
Turf, Surf & Earth opened two years ago – half of that time in the pandemic. Stahl says that if her business can get past the pandemic, it will survive anything. It is one of more than a dozen businesses in Somerville that is offering discounts to people who show their vaccine cards.
“If you come in with your vaccine card, we’re giving you 10% off, which we never do,” says Evolve Clothing Gallery owner Ran D. Pitts.
VACCINE INFORMATION: Check to see if you are eligible
APPOINTMENT INFORMATION: Where and how to get vaccinated
SEARCH FOR A CURE: Statistics and State Resources
Pitts is also the vice chair of the Downtown Somerville Alliance, which is hoping to foster a safer environment for customers.
“Let’s get fully opened again. We’re so close, so close and we can do it. We just need to get those shots in those arms,” says Pitts.
Gov. Phil Murphy has not said when stores can have full capacity once again. New Jersey is getting closer to having 2 million residents fully vaccinated. But that is not even halfway to the goal of vaccinating 7 million.
“We can get to the point where everyone feels comfortable if we’re vaccinated,” says Robert Wood Johnson Somerset president Tony Cava.
But vaccine supply cannot keep up with the demand. There may be a time when that changes. But not everyone is willing to get the vaccine.
“There is a certain degree of fear. There is a certain percentage of the population that no matter what the vaccine is, don’t believe in vaccines. So that’s always going to exist,” he says.
The discounts will begin on Wednesday and then continue every Wednesday for the next couple of months.