Rutgers instructor facing child porn charges

State prosecutors say a Rutgers University instructor used a university computer to share hundreds of videos of child pornography over the Internet. Gavin Swiatek, a biochemistry instructor at Rutgers'

News 12 Staff

Jan 12, 2012, 1:06 PM

Updated 4,662 days ago


State prosecutors say a Rutgers University instructor used a university computer to share hundreds of videos of child pornography over the Internet.
Gavin Swiatek, a biochemistry instructor at Rutgers' Cook Campus in New Brunswick, was charged with possession and distribution of child pornography.
The 49-year-old Hillsborough resident was being held Wednesday on $50,000 bail.
University officials say Swiatek has been relieved from his teaching duties and barred from returning to campus. But a decision on whether he will be fired has not yet been made.
AP wire services contributed to this report