Jersey Proud: Southern Regional middle, high school collect, donate pjs to hospitals

Southern Regional Middle School students at The Leo Club collected and donated new footie pajamas for the NICU at CHOP and Jersey Shore hospitals.

News 12 Staff

Dec 10, 2022, 3:54 AM

Updated 637 days ago


A Manahawkin middle and high school are doing their part to help out in the community.
Southern Regional Middle School students at The Leo Club collected and donated new footie pajamas for the NICU at CHOP and Jersey Shore hospitals.
The pajama collection is part of a local nonprofit organization to help other babies in the NICU-Mighty Melania's NICU necessities.
Southern Regional High School art teacher Melissa Penna and her advanced pottery students made containers and ornaments to decorate the tables and tree for Long Beach Island’s annual gift auction held on Dec. 8 at the Mainland Restaurant.