Dunellen School Board President Phillip Heiney faces child pornography charges

The school board president in a Middlesex County town is facing child pornography charges. The Office of the New Jersey Attorney General says Dunellen School Board President Phillip Heiney, 67, was

News 12 Staff

Aug 24, 2016, 1:20 AM

Updated 2,977 days ago


The school board president in a Middlesex County town is facing child pornography charges.
The Office of the New Jersey Attorney General says Dunellen School Board President Phillip Heiney, 67, was arrested Tuesday morning at his Dunellen home after state and federal officials executed a search warrant. His bail was set at $75,000 cash.
Investigators allegedly found numerous images and videos of child porn during a preliminary examination of computers owned by Heiney. They seized more than 100 pieces of computer equipment.
Authorities say a state police detective went on a file-sharing network and downloaded two videos that showed adult males engaging in sex acts with underage girls. The IP address sharing those videos was traced to Heiney's home.
Heiney's charged with possessing and distributing child porn. He faces up to 25 years in prison if convicted on both counts.
The Associated Press wire services contributed to this report.